green wallpaper
green wallpaper
After arriving at the palace, the king welcomed the Green wallpaper with a smile.

Maybe it's destiny, I guess this time Green wallpaper to undergo punishment for failing to carry out the orders the king.
Green wallpaper then remove the bottle is corked.
"Inside, the noble lord," answered Green wallpaper.
"Please Lord, do not wind can be seen, but if your majesty would like to know the wind, cover the bottle should be opened first," said Green wallpaper explained.
green wallpaper
Al stories ...
He was required to face the king as soon as possible.
Green wallpaper mind to wonder what else the game will face this time.

"Lately I've been mendapt stomach upsets. Personal physician said, I hit the wind," said King began.
"Please my lord, what can I done to be called servants," said Green wallpaper.
"I just wanted you catch the wind and put him in jail," said King.
Green wallpaper was silent.
Not a word out of his mouth.
He was not thinking about how to catch the wind later but he was still confused how to prove that the arrest was really a breeze.
Because the wind can not be seen.
Unlike water, although not in color but can still be seen.
While the wind did not.
Green wallpaper came back with a homework of my king.
But Green wallpaper not so sad.
Because not infrequently Green wallpaper full sepundi steal gold from the king the gift of cleverness.
However, this was 2 days of the Green wallpaper has not got the sense to catch the wind let alone imprison him.
Meanwhile, tomorrow is the last day set by the king.
Green wallpaper almost desperate.
Abunawas really can not sleep even if only for an instant.

He walked unsteadily toward the palace.
Well ...
On the sidelines of devotion to the destiny he thought of something, namely Aladdin and the lamp will.
"Is not that genie is not visible?" Green wallpaper guman.
He was immediately excited and immediately ran home.
At the gate of the palace, the Green wallpaper directly invited in by the guards because the king was waiting for his presence.
"Have you managed to imprison Green wallpaper wind hai?" asked the king.
"It's a noble sire." Green wallpaper answered with a beaming face.

Then the bottle is turned over to the king.
The king cradling the bottle before asking further.
"Where was wind Abunawas hai?" asked the king.

"I do not see anything," said King.

Once the bottle is opened, Lord smelled a strong smell.
The stench was terrible nose.
"What's that smell, O Green wallpaper?" asked the King angrily.
"Please Lord of glory, had slaves and servants enter the exhaust air into the bottle.
For I fear, the servant of wind throw it out.
Then the servant imprisoned by clogging the mouth of the bottle, "said Green wallpaper.