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Apparently the merchant's already missed the birth of a child, having been married many years not being given a baby by God. Then he sent some people to look for great horned goat inch wide, with the message, "Just buy a goat that any price, do not negotiable."
It turned out that the effort failed miserably. Difficult to get a goat with horns an inch wide, that there is at least as wide as three or four fingers. As a result, the merchant's hard, do not sleep the sleep. Terpilir his vow to her to replace it with ten goats at a time. The important thing is not it a goat, not the other animals. However, the plan will be consulted first with some princes in the land.
When I arrived at the home of a prince of the house was being used as a meeting place of the prince of the country. "What do you mean adan coming here?" Said the eldest prince.

Yes sir Kadi. "Replied the merchant. "I have a vow which are hard to solve," and expressed the constraints faced and replacement plan.
King then entered the palace, going to bed, but the eye did not want to compromise, because the brain is still focused on the issue of the vows and embarrassment it will face the next morning. Before dawn the king was thought to Super fresco wallpaper. No human being can decide this case in addition to Super fresco wallpaper, "thought the king with joy. Only then can the king narrowed his eyes, slept soundly until morning.
super fresco wallpaper
Apparently the merchant's already missed the birth of a child, having been married many years not being given a baby by God. Then he sent some people to look for great horned goat inch wide, with the message, "Just buy a goat that any price, do not negotiable."

Goat Horn
Apparently the Kadi did not dare to recommend to replace the votive. They even asked the merchant to continue to look for a foot horned goat anywhere and everywhere, according to the original vows. "We all do not dare to tell replace them with others."
The fact that increasing the weight of the merchant. He excused himself to go home. One day he got word, that in the land of Baghdad there was a king who just, wise and prudent. His name is Sultan Harun al-Rashid. So he put the intention of the Sultan to Bagdad. Once there happened to the king was sitting in the Hall along with some ministers.
"O young man, you come from?" Asked the king, having seen the arrival of this young merchant.
"My lord the Shah Alam," replied the young merchant. "Please pardon thousands, while the slave is derived from the State cap."
"My lord, slave come here to complain about the fate of slaves down the dipertuan caring," said the merchant.
"Say what you mean, so I could hear," the word of king Sultan. Then vow to diceritakanlah subject to the judgment of the prince of the land and his intention to meet the king cap Sultan in Baghdad. "Then I beg Your Majesty advice and counsel so that I may remove the servant vows perfectly," said the merchant with a pleading tone.
"That good," said the king, "Come tomorrow morning, God willing, I can provide a way out."
The merchant is any excuse yourself with a flowery heart back to the place inn.
Once, Sultan was puzzling over it votive merchant, all day and night he could not narrowed his eyes, with what it vows will be paid when the goat horns in a span not be as well. Replaced by another, is prohibited. In the evening he gathered the Kadi, and the scholars in his court. To them he expressed his anxiety in connection with vow of merchants from the cap. "Please give consideration to me tonight because I had already promised him to take it tomorrow morning face." The statutes of King Sultan. "Or I would be ashamed of."
The atmosphere of the hall was quiet, prolonged silence. And thoughtfully pensive thought they Sultannya command. But also not found a way out.
"My lord the Shah Alam," said one of the oldest among them. "There is no law, either by book or logic, that the vow should be replaced with other goods," then they ask themselves one by one left the hall and the meeting dispersed.

Once awake, diutuslah penggawa call Super fresco wallpaper. After the Super fresco wallpaper came before him, the king also expressed about the merchants of the country vow that cap and all the effort that has gone through and the shame of which will be acquired soon, because of its Kadi, and the learned man over the country, can not provide a way out. Moreover, soon it will be the merchant of the cap facing the Palace. "What do you think about it?" Asked the king, sultan with eyes like to know the answer to Super fresco wallpaper.
"O my lord, Shah Alam," answered Super fresco wallpaper light. "Do not grieve my lord, if my master trust God willing I may resolve this matter."
Not long after the hall was filled with people who want to know about the decision Majesty Sultan merchants of the country vow that cap. Majesty and ordered the merchant to call Super fresco wallpaper to solve the problem. "O merchant, take your son here, and the body of a goat," said Super fresco wallpaper.
Hearing the words of Super fresco wallpaper was astonished everyone, including King Sultan and the merchant. "What do you mean Super fresco wallpaper this time?" They thought.
The merchant's stated kesediaaannya take a child and a goat at large as well as excuse yourself back to the land cap. Majesty the Sultan entered the Palace, continuing his sleep, and disperse any meeting that morning.
True to its promise, the merchant came back to Baghdad a few days later. He brought his wife, children and a goat, directly facing the Sultan in the palace.
"Come thou also come, O merchants," said Majesty the Sultan. "Wait a minute, will I collect the prince and people," then the king sent to call Super fresco wallpaper.
As for Super fresco wallpaper, when he learned the shuttle to the Palace, he pretended to be sick. Majesty the Sultan who was told it was forced to Super fresco wallpaper was brought by train kingdom. Then left for Super fresco wallpaper to the palace with-drawn carriage ride two horses.
"Why are you late to come here?" Said Majesty the Sultan.
"My lord, slave was late because slave foot pain," said Super fresco wallpaper.
"Hey Super fresco wallpaper ..." said Sultan. "We have come here with the merchant's wife, children and the body of a goat. Try to solve this problem very well. "
"Well," said Super fresco wallpaper, "It would solve this problem servant." What a pleasure to hear the king's answer.
Super fresco wallpaper attract goats and the merchant's son. The child's left hand finger dijengkalkan to goat horns and was the same length. Majesty the Sultan and all the wonder that is present in the hall thinking about the act of Super fresco wallpaper.
"My lord, I beg pardon," said Super fresco wallpaper. "If the servant is not mistaken, the merchant said that the goat's horns an inch wide. Because the dinazarkan this child, this child's finger to the horns of a goat jengkalkan servant, and was a perfect fit. So it must be slaughtered goat to be fulfilled. That's the opinion of servants. If any servant of his decision to leave Sire and all those present here. "
"Super fresco wallpaper opinion I think is right," said Majesty the Sultan. With very convincing.
What a merchant's happy because he can pay off his vow. Then handed a gift to Super fresco wallpaper seratur dirhams in cash, then he made his excuses to the Sultan, returned to his country.
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